NOTE: I strongly recommend installing either Void UI or Narrator Anticipation Dialog Restoration. The heister anticipation lines will probably not work without one of these.
Inspired by mods like Project Canary and Project Deadlocke, this mod aims to bring back unused (or rarely used) voicelines for heisters.
While these mods have done a fine job, they are quite large, and often prone to breaking with nearly every game update. I set out to write my own mod with as clean and readable code as possible. While I cannot hope to replicate the scale and complexity of a project like DEADLOCKE, I hope to at least provide some common functionality and restore voicelines that are ingame but otherwise unused.
Currently, this mod adds or re-adds voice lines for the following situations:
- Completing a side job or challenge/trophy
- Assault ending
- Getting flashbanged
- Getting teargassed
- Being revived
- Reviving someone else
- Running out of cable ties
- Assault anticipation (only works with a mod that brings back Bain's anticipation lines)
Some voice lines (such as the assault ending) are only played by one person, to prevent overlap. If multiple people are using the mod, this person is determined randomly, and is synced across all clients! Your game will roll a dice value, and whoever rolls the highest will get to say these one-off voice lines. Players without the mod are not counted in the dice roll.
Other people will be able to hear your voice lines, even if you are not the host.
Extract the zip file to your PAYDAY 2/mods folder. You must have the BLT Hook (SuperBLT) installed. The mod is self-updating using SuperBLT's update system.