Your safe house is raided every 10min, no matter you defend them yourself or let crew handle them.
No options provided (I don't know how to write), but you can easily change to a desired interval in the code.
Just throw the decompressed folder into the mod/, it should be fine.
What's the default (without mod) value?
If you handle it yourself, next raid will be 3 days (259,200s) later.
If you let the crew handle it, next will be half day (43,200s) later.
What will happen after installing this mod?
If it's already 10min since your last safe house raid event (no matter how you handle it), it should be raided again now.
What if I disable this mod after doing X?
If X is handle it yourself, next raid will be 3 days later, nothing different.
If X is let the crew handle it, next raid will also be 3 days later.
Why 10min?
The speedrun world record on YouTube is about 9min.
If I completely remove the cooldown, then the safe house is no longer upgradable and you can't enter it peacefully.