Don't intend to milk this again but that last menu I made was made in 2018 and I was tired of using it so I decided to make something more personal and to my tastes but also wanted to keep that blue atmosphere like last time. Sharing here to not lose it and because I like sharing mods that I put some more effort into as others may enjoy it as well.
The last image is what the menu looks like without the color grading enabled.
No Regions
Recommend this to get rid of the outlines Force Classic Loading Screen
You can use this to force the old loading screen since the new ones have some patterns that clash with the overall look.
2D Weapon Modding Background
Included - Used this to add backgrounds to the weapon customization, weapon color selection, and outfit selection. I included it since I modified it so it includes backgrounds for colors and outfits as the original only had ones for weapon customization. Original by Luffy and modified by Solo Queue Pixy.