This mod makes several changes to netcode in order to accommodate several of its features which make it fundamentally incompatible with normal, unmodded PD2 lobbies/sentries.
As a result, this mod changes the matchmaking key!
This means that you can only play offline or with other players who have the mod!
Radial Mouse Menu:
(You do not need TOTAL CRACKDOWN installed to use this version of the mod; a different version of this mod is included in TOTAL CRACKDOWN.)
It is unlikely that this standalone version will receive updates!
Sentry Control Menu is a standalone version of the sentry overhaul in the upcoming TOTAL CRACKDOWN mod, a player-side rebalance encompassing a rework of skills, perk decks, deployable equipment, and more. Sentry Control Menu is intended as a "demo" of sorts, showcasing just one of the gameplay reworks that will be present in TOTAL CRACKDOWN- I don't expect this standalone mod to have a large following, but hopefully if you try it out you'll be persuaded to give TOTAL CRACKDOWN shot. (I will not stop typing "TOTAL CRACKDOWN" for any excuse possible, nor will I write it in lowercase.)
* Sentries can no longer be targeted by cops* Sentries no longer consume ammo to place or fire
* Sentry targeting range is now 20m by default
* Sentry Targeting Package (Basic and Aced) are now default upgrades. Please note that because the final version of this mod is intended to be packaged with TOTAL CRACKDOWN, no changes are made to the skill tree itself to compensate for this change.
Sentry Control Menu also introduces Ammo Types and Firing Modes, which are controlled by use of a Radial Mouse Menu. The keys to open the menu, select sentries, or deselect sentries can be customized in the mod options menu, as well as some other interface/behavior options. Please see the demo video at the bottom of the page for more information.
* Standard Rounds- $200,000 bullets. The default sentry ammo type. (50 damage @ 400RPM = 333DPS)
AP Rounds- Shield-piercing and body-piercing with higher damage, but with slower firing rate and doubled range. (100 damage @ 100RPM = 166DPS)
HE Rounds- Explosive rounds that create small staggering AoE explosions. (50 damage @ 100 RPM = 83 DPS)
Taser Rounds- Low damage, but capable of stunning enemies. (15 damage @ 400 RPM = 100DPS)
Standard- hahaha bullet go brrrrr. The default sentry mode.
Overwatch- Perfect accuracy, but can only target snipers.
Manual- AKA "The Wrangler." Sentries aim where you are looking. (Firing is performed automatically.)
Demo video: (NobleHUD and Closed Captions mod not included)