Diesel Bundle Viewer
DieselBundleViewer is a program that allows you to view the files of all diesel 2.0 games (PDTH, PD2, and RWW2)
The program is mostly based of DieselToolBox with some code taken from there.
What's the difference between DieselToolBox and this?
- This version hopes to eliminate most of the bugs that the previous had and make it a viable option to DieselBundleModder.
- Hopefully more user friendly.
- New features!
- Pressing the list headers actually sorts the items!
- grid view for items.
- Save files via dialog.
- Powerful finder that let's you search with whole word and regex.
- Select multiple bundles with a dialog and not a slow as fuck context menu.
- Light/dark mode switch (defaults to dark 😎).
- Option to hide 0 byte files (defaults to true).
- Play/convert stream (wem) to wav on the fly.
Known Issues
- music/stereo sounds do not convert properly and instead will create a track from hell. Due to how poor our tools/libraries for dealing with these files are, this issue is a bit of a bitch to fix. The hope is to perhaps reuse the code of the original wwise tool instead of the library which sadly we cannot get on hold with the creator of.
Generally it should be super simple, the program even guesses the directory of the game for you. However there's a guide anyway:
Source Code
Scripts Repo
Most icons are from https://icons8.com/

Publish Date5 years ago
Last Updated5 months ago by


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