Cali's All in One Realism Rebalance
Rebalances almost every single weapon in the game to make them more powerful while giving them more recoil, also makes shotguns work better at close range! 9mm pistols are not useless anymore too! All magazines were changed to their real life amounts. Damage and ammo pickup are sorted by ammunition.
Requires Weaponlib, and Static Recoil is heavily recommended!
Features of this mod:
- Weapon damage has been sorted by caliber.
- Shotguns work better at close ranges, with damage being divided per pellet.
- A few skills have been reworked.
- Some custom weapons are supported, if you want me to add one, just comment here!
- Magazines have the same number of bullets as their IRL counterparts, so some of them have been adjusted.
- Some modifications also got adjusted.
- Enemy Health has been changed, they're no longer bullet sponges.
- Death Sentence damage is no longer stupid.
- Melee weapons are also rebalanced.
Supports the following custom weapons and mods:
- Mossberg 590
- TOZ-106
- Chiappa Triple Threat
- Winchester Model 1912
- Mag-7
- Kel-Tec PLR-16
- Mossberg 464 SPX Centerfire
- Steyr AUG A3 9mm XS
- QBS-09
- USAS-12
- Browning Auto Rifle
- Vanilla Mod Pack (Volume Two as well)
- StG 44
- M1A1 Carbine
- Beretta Model 38A
- Browning M1919A6
- Mateba Model 6 Unica
- Montana 5.56
- AAC Honey Badger
- Q Honey Badger
- TOZ-194
- K31
- Winchester Model 1894
- S&W Model 27
- Dokkaebi SMG-12
- ADAR 2-15
- HK G28
- UTS-15
- Steyr Elite
- QBZ-97B
This mod is incompatible with other rebalances and mods that change skills.
Want a custom weapon added? Just comment here!
There is now a discord server for users of my mod! Join here:

Publish Date5 years ago
Last Updated4 years ago
