you know covid - 19 ruined my future but nvm ok first thing i said like i going to delivered food or something it a part-time so i change it i go to make a patreon or streamlabs or something cause my parents won't me to part-time so yes i'm go to make a mod and you know last momth i editor video main ch like 4-5 video so sry and you know i not feel like to make a other mod like heist or model and make a mod other game too and i feel boring payday 2
and i see the game-rip soundtrack if guys want me to make it so you guys can request it.
- At Eternal Gate
- Hell on Earth (Intro)
- Rip and Tear...Until it's Done - Title Drop
- Betrayer
- A Cultist Prayer
- Beast Of The Arena
- Blood Sacrifice
- Chad Mossholder - The Khan Maykr Remix
- Deag Ranak
- Demonic Corruption
- End Of Level
- Phobos Base
- S.O.S From Earth (Cut)
- Sam's Base
- Usuper Gore
- Urdak
Old Heist
- BFG - 1000
- Hell on Earth
- Slayer Gates
- The Slayer Time is Now
New Heist
- BFG 10K (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- BFG Division 2020 (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- DOOM Hunted (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- Metal Hell (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- The DOOM Hunter (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- The Super Gore (Not Mixed By Mick Gordon)
Bouns (i'm so sry about mick gordon he's should make a mixed and make doom soundrack)
- Cultist Base (Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- Meathook (Mixed By Mick Gordon)
- The Only Thing They Fear Is You (Mixed By Mick Gordon)
Note1/for update sry guys it just a 1 meun and 2 heist song cause i need to editor my video at my main channel youtube and second so yes my laptop so very potato yes sry guys and i need to make this pack before i go study university
Note2/sry some soundtrack i could'n make a heist and meun yes i need to skip so many soundtrack if you guys want me to make it you can request for now i'm going to make a request song#1 and doom 2016 soundtrack yes i still make a soundtrack and i want to request something can someone make a Doom Hud pls yes for now i'm making a doom 2016 soundtrack and we have a doom soundtrack should we have a hud??