*Unlock level: 60
*High Damage(Between .50 BMG and .338 Lapua)
*Low Rate of Fire(Bolt Action, but bit faster than Thanatos)
*Very accurate(Like most of the rifle)
*Considerable stability and recoil
*Few modification(Open suggestion!) Actually I though a bunch of them.
*7,92x107mm DS as ammo(Just like the old trusty german 7,92mm of Mauser, but LARGER)
*Considerable ammo pick up(Below standard sniper rifle)
*Custom sound(Why not?)
BeardLib is required.
SuperBLT is required.
Weaponlib is required.
MOD Recommendation:
-Tactical Reload 2.0
-Attachment Descriptions
*Moved to change log
*The super short barrel suffer "stance" problem, to be exact, it disappear when you shoot the weapon, but is normal when you ADS
*visually the extenden mag doesn't fit well
*some weird issue with the stock texture, not sure why, the model mapping is correct and it looks excellent in the 3D model viewer but PD2
*ammo special effect doesn't work as intended, don't use them, and I need help with that
How to install:
just download it and extract the archive to "mod_overrides" of your Payday2 folder.
Special Thanks:
Thanks fragtrane sending me the model70 parts.
Thanks -Matthelzor, 「Tenjin Kotone」, and Alcat helping me with PS CS6 configuration.
Thanks Mira, Croveaux, Cpone, Kuziz and Zdann for modding advice.