#### Locke: "Russian big punch precision Anti-Materiel rifle. What's more to say?
#### The Bulldozer kak would have a bad day in front of this."
Adds in KSVK 12.7mm as Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle
Unlock Level: 85
The KSVK (Russian: Крупнокалиберная Снайперская Винтовка Ковровская (Krupnokalibernaya Snayperskaya Vintovka Kovrovskaya); English: Large-Caliber Kovrov Sniper Rifle) or Degtyarev sniper rifle is a 12.7mm anti-materiel sniper rifle developed in Russia for the purpose of counter sniping and penetrating thick walls, as well as light armored vehicles.
In-game it boast the highest damage of sniper rifle capable of taking down Bulldozer in 1 body shot; up to Overkill difficulty.
High base concealment as well as high ammo pool makes this the perfect choice for some hit-and-run tactics against high risk target.
Be aware that this gun have abysmal ammo pickup, so you might have to rely more on ammo bag rather than ammo drop.
Features couple of barrel extension to customize the gun behaviour.
Carry handle to increase reload speed.
And a makeshift foregrip for increased stability.
Payday 2 skin support: basic texture
Thanks to Rickerus's help on converting Metro Last Light texture
Thanks to Pawcio's help on STALKER asset extraction
As Always
Requires BeardLib
Requires WeaponLib
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder.
Known Issues:
- a bit mismatched animation / gun-player hand alignment, current modding limitation.
- bolt/drag handle animation/movement is completely wrong, current modding limitation. Also the bolt doesnt move on cocking after firing, Overkill made it that way as well on the base Desertfox bolt.