Made on request for Leon in the ModWorkshop discord server.
This mod just shows you the name of the weapon you're holding when switching weapons.
It will show the name of the weapon (or the custom name, if you have set one in your inventory for that gun) for a brief amount of time, before disappearing. The amount of time to display the name for is customizable, as is the amount of time it takes to fully disappear.
There are many options for customization/placement- please see the preview image to see the available customization options.
BeardLib is optional for this mod. Having BeardLib installed allows the use of non-English languages and auto-update support.
That's it, that's the whole list. If you'd like to help translate this mod into other languages, please feel free to contact me.
Known issues:
The text may cut off before the actual screen boundary. Workaround: Enable HUD Compatibility mode.
Please contact me if you encounter issues with this mod. Feel free to leave feedback or questions etc. in the comments section.