Cause finally! he's here!
Hello people of the internet ... Yes ... here it is ... The most expected pack <div class"spoiler">
I thinkThis pack includes a lot of skins of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Well... I'm not good at video editing. But I made a small trailer!
Q: How do I install it?
A: Copy the Wolfy Pack folder to the mod_overrides folder!
Q: Hey! This mod is not working in the third person!
A: Yes I know.
Q:Hey! that Candy Apple ... you stole from JCDenton!
A: Of course not ... he's my friend, I never do that to anyone ... What happened was that he released it before me, and my was ready ... It's all right between us
"This was all done only by me.
I wanted the support of you ... Disclosure to friends or something. It gave me a lot of work.
If you want to participate in another Pack, add me on steam, help is always welcome
Textures - Valve Software
Conversion, adjustments, photos ... the f*cking everything - Me
ːSee you at the safe house, I'll show you the plans.