Bag Simulator 2, a redesign of the first part of Border crossing but with a twist of the mechanics of bag sim 1.
Beardlib (updated to the latest version)
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Enjoy all new Upgrades including:
6 Perks
2 Productions increases
Bag Zipline
Grenade case
2 turrets
Building entrance tripmines
or more if you have suggestions
All of which you get by throwing 5 bags in the crates by the gas station.
Enjoy all of these upgrades in a multitude of gamemodes:
Bags auto secure, you get no upgrades. At 10 bags you can escape.
Bags are used to get upgrades, get upgrades once assaults are done. Cops do not spawn inbetween assaults, and players need to group up at a marker in order to start the wave again.
Bags are used to get upgrades, after first assault upgrade area opens up. After which you can then get upgrades whenever.
Bags are used to get upgrades, there is little to no wait inbetween assaults. You can then get upgrades whenever.
Death Sentence:
Bags are used to get upgrades, there is no assault break. 5 minutes until the fence opens.
And finally, the laggy Versus:
One player is chosen as the director, who can spawn enemies
Every remaining player has to survive, bags auto secure.
Director wins if someone goes into custody, players win if they get 15 bags.
Only can be selected if 2 or more players
Modifiers are used to spice up the normal gameplay, with fun and interesting things. Hit the button before you select a difficulty to go to the Modifier selection area.
Bag Value
Increase bag value, but increase how heavy they are. Has 3 different levels.
Hot Lava
Makes going out scary, when on the ground you take damage. Has 2 different levels.
One Down
Why use the actual modifier when you can use this? Makes it so every time you get a bag, you get a multiple of it, but loot comes at a hard price. Has 2 different levels.
Ever felt like there wasn't enough medics? Me neither! Thats why you can use this to add specials every 15 seconds. Has 3 different levels.
Random Weapon
Who needs loadout randomizer when you can randomize weapons in the map. Either a one time use or timed randomization. Has 2 different levels.
Known Issues
Getting a random weapon while on the forklift crashes your game
Credits to Sora for allowing me to use the perks and weaponswitch that he made for the Zombies gamemode in this.