Much like one of my previous rebalances, the one of the Swedish K, the Predator shotgun is not terrible, but it definetely falls behind.
It's one of the two primary semi-auto shotguns, and compared to M1014, it definetely looks like the worse choice - with slower rate of fire and worse concealment.
This is my attempt to help it catch up.
- Firerate is increased to 420 from 300
- Damage is slightly increased to 56 from 55
- Stability is increased to 60 from 44
- Concealment is increased to 17 from 14
Weapon mods are adjusted as well.
- Extended magazine is changed to +4 mag size, +4 accuracy, -2 concealment from +4 mag size, +4 stability, -1 concealment
- Solid stock is changed to +8 accuracy, +8 stability, -4 concealment from +4 accuracy, +4 stability, -3 concealment
- Folded stock is changed to -4 stability, +2 concealment from -4 accuracy, -4 stability, +2 concealment
- No stock is changed to -4 accuracy, -8 stability, +4 concealment from -12 stability, +4 concealment
This is only a minor tweak, and the centerpiece of it is the increase in firerate. It's now much closer, though not equivalent to the M1014 in that regard, and it received a point of damage to compensate for it. Stability was increased really only because in real life, the SPAS is pretty heavy, so it should be pretty stable. Concealment was also increased to make it at least a bit more viable for dodge or stealth.
I'm uh frend of Sehra Conna. Eiwass tohld dat she's hier. Culdah seeher please?