Project UAE
Project UAE - Useless Attachment Expansion.
Basically, a reuse of existing attachments. This mod gives them a new role for other weapons.
Project UAE - Ammunition Pack (Standalone):
Currently available:
- Suppressed Barrel, Heavy Barrel for Bernetti 9
- Diablo Barrel, Suppressed Barrel, Pocket Suppressor & Accelerator Barrel Device for Bronco .44
- Bling Barrel, Bling Foregrip, Bling Magazine, Bling Stock for AK.762
- Integrated Suppressor for Deagle & Baby Deagle
- Spitfire Barrel, LOOP Magazine Device for Peacemaker .45
- Juris Slide Device for Akimbo Gruber Kurz
- Lightweight Magazine, Stacked Magazine, Milspec Magazine, Tactical Magazine, Elevated Grip Pad, Recoil Compensator, Blockhead Recoil Dampender, Precision Muzzle Brake, Short Flash Brake, Baka Threated Compensator for pistols
- Russian Special Stock, Plank Stock for smgs
- Less Than Enough Barrel & Bare Essential Barrel for Castigo .44 & Parabellum
- Heavy Barrel for Gewher 3 & KSP
- Long Barrel for CMP, Jacket's Piece & Cobra
- Janitor Suppressor for Mark 10, Jacket's Piece & Heather
- Suppressed Barrel & Covert Foregrip for M1014
- Russian Special Foregrip for Commando 553, Jackal & Para
- Stacked Magazine addon for lmgs
- Semi-Open Bolt Conversion for Nagant
- Marksman Kit for Union 5.56
- Flatbox Magazine for Grimm Shotguns
- Steel Magazine, Saiga Magazine for AKs
- Breech LMG Kit for RPK
- PRESS Magazine Device, Flat Magazine Plate for Chimanos
- Slimline Body for Crosskill Guard & Chimano Compact
- Wooden Grip, Rubber Grip, Marksman Grip, Competition Grip for Judge
- Short Ergo Grip, Short Smooth Grip, Ergo Grip Pad for Croskill
- Pocket Ergo Grip, Fitted Grip Pad for Gruber Kurz
- Milspec Grip, Eagle Light Kit for Eagle Heavy
- Ergo Grip, Aggressor Compensator for Interceptor .45
- Tight Choke, Chisai Suppressor for shotguns
- Adjustable Stock for Gewehr 3 & Brenner 21
- Wire Hanger Stock for pistols & smgs
- Tantal Stock for rifles
- Shellhose Conversion Kit for Street Sweeper
- Sniper Stock for Tatonka
- Marksman Stock, Rubber Foregrip for AK rifles
- Rubber Foregrip for Gecko 7.62, AMCAR, Commando 553, Falcon rifles
- Ergo Grip for Parabellum
- Compact Grip for Matever .357
- Krink Foregrip for Akimbo UZI
- Desert Ops Barrel for Little Friend & Rattlesnake
- BRRT Internals Upgrade
- Ergo Grip Pad as a grip accessory
- Ergo Grip as a grip for gripless guns
- Lightweight Magazine Addon for LMGs
- Coal Foregrip, Grip & Stock for AK family
- Flint Grip for AK family
- Bucket Heavy Suppressor for Deagle, Bernetti 9, Mosin, Chicago Typewriter, Jacket's Piece, SpecOps, Swedish K, CMP, UZI, JP36, Galant, Clarion, Lion's Roar, Valkyria, Gewehr 3 & KSP 58
- CQC Barrel for RPK
- Erma Magazine Extension, Tactical Magazine Extension & Fat Rat Suppressor for Broomstick
- Avtomat Reciever, Heavy Duty Barrel for Nagant
- Inoxed Barrel Thread for Chimano Compact & M13
- Solid Stock for rifles & smgs
- Noizz Explosion Dampender for HRL-7
- Svenske Barrel for smgs
- Eagle Flash Hider & Coal Flash Hider for rifles, smgs, lmgs & sniper rifles
- Ergonomic Speedloader & Sealed Cylinder for revolvers
- Lightweight Clip for Broomstick, galant & Nagant
- Pressured Magazine Spring for lmgs
- Lightweight, Stacked & Pressurized Magazine for rifles & smgs
- Cobray Wire Stock for pistols & smgs
- shell fed rifles don't eject shells
- weapons with changed rof have audio bug
- using Suppressed Barrel on M1014 makes attachment rail invisible
Tell me if there are even more bugs, I will also try to add requests, imo attachments are not too op but still...
- drop into mod_overrides
Requires BeardLib & WeaponLib

Publish Date5 years ago
Last Updated4 years ago
