He's back! and even much better!
Hello people, Wolfy here! This pack will focus on the theme Dark Side of The Moon. Many people have asked more of camouflage, so I decided to make a pack of their own.
In this pack includes 4 guns:
Well... I'm not good at video editing. But I made a small trailer!
Gentlemen, we have a situation here!
One of our friends modder developer is in the hospital ... Unfortunately he was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain.
We want to make it be happy as much as possible!
I come to you to ask for the support of all. A small message of motivation in their profile will already makes him happy.
We are not asking for donations. However if you want to donate something, it can be simple. As a Trading Card or even gems, you can directly send to me or him.
Let's do it guys! #FREEMATT
Oh ... say out there that the next pack will be related to "Global Offensive". Do you know anything about that?
Q: How do I install it?
A: Copy the Wolfy Pack folder to the mod_overrides folder!
Q: Hey! This mod is not working in the third person!
A: Yes I know.
Q: Hey! I want attend the next pack, what I need?
A: Well... you just need to be good at Photoshop. I'll send the texture or the idea and you will do
Q: Global Offensive ... I know that from somewhere...
A: ;)
"This was all done only by me.
I wanted the support of you ... Disclosure to friends or something. It gave me a lot of work.
If you want to participate in another Pack, add me on steam, help is always welcome
ːSee you at the safe house, I'll show you the plans.