Do you use Tag Team Perk and your friend doesn't know you tagged him?
Do you have a friend who uses Tag Team Perk but you don't know when he tags you?
This mod works both ways.
If you are using tag team, it will inform your mate in a private message so you wouldn't bother all teammates with messages.
If some is using tag team on you, you will get notification in chat when it starts and when it finishes.
Next versions will allow you to enable or disable the mod in game in case both you and the other teammate have the mod to prevent double messages.
Big Thanks for @Atacantul for the idea and his testing and for Savage-DJ for his testing.
If you like my mods, vote it up and consider leaving a donation to keep up the good work.
If you have any ideas, just put it in a msg or a comment, and I will see into making it a reality.