This mod adds a menu in mod options to automatically reset any combination of the following attributes of one or more profile(s): (You can choose to clear the information from only one selected profile, or from all profiles)
- Profile names
- Skillset names
- Associated skillset's skills
- Association to a given skillset
- Mask
- Throwable
- Primary and Secondary weapons
- Melee weapon
- Perk Deck
- Armor
- Armor Skin
- Outfit (aka player style) and variations
- Glove skin
- Deployable and Secondary Deployable
- Henchmen Loadout (AKA Crew Loadouts)
As of v2.2, Reset Inventory Profiles can also clear your perk deck progress so that you have to earn all of the perk deck points again.
Planned Features:
- Find more features to plan
Known Issues:
- Profile names (such as in the "selected profile" drop-down menu for the mod) may not update immediately
- This does not currently reset preferred AI character
F.A.Q.O.S.I.P. (Frequently Asked Questions, Or So I'm Predicting)
Q: Will this work with "Oh No! More Skillsets" or "Extra Profiles and Skill Sets"?
A: Probably. I wrote it to work with those mods, but I haven't tested it. If you have either of these mods, please report back whether or not Reset Inventory Profiles works with them.
Q: How do I change the "default" preset to reset profiles to?
A: Open menumanager.lua
in this mod's files. There are some commented instructions there- you just need to change some strings.
Q: Will this work with [x weapon mod] or [y melee mod] or [z mask mod]?
A: Yes. If you want to reset profiles to a default that has modded items, do so at your own risk; however, it should work as long as you have the respective mod that adds that modded item.
Q: Does this work with modded skilltrees?
A: It varies, depending on implementation! For you modders: This mod checks the "skilltree version" value saved in SkillTreeManager._global.VERSION
to check what to use. If you use existing skilltree structures matching that indicated by the skilltree version, it may work just fine. (eg. 4 or below, or 5 for pre U100, or 9 for current). Please contact me if you would like to ensure compatibility with your skilltree mod.
Q: Is this... safe?
A: It's safe, as even in the worst-case scenario this mod does not actually delete the items themselves. However, you should still back up your save just in case. Note that if you WANT to delete inventory items, use the Sell All Items mod.
This mod has auto-updates through BeardLib (if BeardLib is installed).