Using Winston Wolfe's original LUA's. Credit to him.
My edit of real names mod for weapons and attachments. Has been a personal mod for sometime, 'til now.
This version is by gun nuts, for gun nuts. Lot of research spent online finding the model designations for guns and attachments and melee weapons, because realism.
Scopes like the ACOG's use their military designations rather than their commercial designations; TA31-D-100288 and TA648-308, for example. Most guns will be named after their etchings/markings; example: M.G. 42 instead of MG 42.
Firearms will not be prefaced by their manufacturer name; example: IMI Galil ARM is now just ARM. USP Tactical instead of H&K USP Tactical. And they won't end with "Sniper Rifle" or "Submachine Gun".
Most people would not say Brugger & Thomet TP9 in a combat situation, so the names were made shorter for simplicity. But you still know what they are by looking at them.
Attachments add-on is included; separate mod.
If you have a suggestion, or I've misnamed something, feel free to comment.
Eventually(or rather sooner), mod will be edited in mind with re-balance/tactical mods that change things like magazine capacity.
As of 1.4, most items renamed or edited. All left to do is change magazine capacity. Will make a separate add-on for "lite users" who may not want to download a whole overhaul mod.