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Music: Crambone - Uncle Pecos (tom and jerry)
Gotta rehearse my song hih...Whooooooooooah...Wot dot doodle datta deeda doodle yeeda doodle leeda aha oha eha ahhhhhhhh.... eh hah That's kinda pretty fore we get started ain't it??? Ohhh Froggie went a Ce Ce Ce Ce courtin he did ride C C eh C Cramboooo froggie went a C C Courtin he did ride C C eh mm uh C C C C Crambooo...froggie went a C C Courtin he did riiide sword an uh an uh an uh revolver by his side C C C C Crambooo....Crambo killed ahlalarah le roll low low suh sss sloppa doody yellow bug tooda lada dee dee uh tooda lada dee ck ck ck that's the hard part right in there mini nephew ha ha eh Crambo killed ahlalarow low sloppa doody yellow bug tooda lada didee cummaropitopabotimeh C C C C Crambooo ahhhlee yodaleh heeeeeeh huuh rmrmrmrm and the yodel goes right in there somewhere but it's a little too high for me rrmrmrm ohhh where would da wittle weddin supper bee C C eh C C C Uh C Crambooo where would da wittle weddin supper bee C C MM C C Eh C C Crambooo where would da wittle weddin supper bee way down yonder in da hicka nunde in da hicka nunde in da wo wo in eh eh cotton wo ck eh in da eucaleptis tree Crambooooo... Crambo killed alalarah reh lo oh row sssullloppa doody yellow bug too d d that's that hard part again right in there hah huh Cram.. sloppa doody yellow bug tooda lada didee cummaropitopabotimeh C C Crambooooo...