Fate Extella Link - Console Exclusive Costume Unlocker
Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated3 years ago

Thanks for the mod.

Hey, I know you said you won't make a mod for the pre-order exclusive skin but it's been years since the game came out and they never released it as an unlockeable or as a purchasable DLC. Is there any chance you would reconsider that decision?


If I were to do it, it

  • wouldn't be uploaded here because it'd be against the rules.
  • probably wouldn't be done for a while since I'd actually have to reinstall the game/extract the files to verify DLC IDs then set up the patch.

If you could theoretically figure out what DLC ID it is, create the necessary dlc###.bin file, then theoretically trick Steam into thinking you own it, that'd probably be easier.


@zdann Huh, I don't have the minor clue of how to do any of those things lol. I did find the DLC ID on Steamdb. It's "1029480". It also says "Last Change Number 11703200". Again, I wouldn't know what to do with that info.

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