Fate Extella Link - Console Exclusive Costume Unlocker
Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated3 years ago

Sorry to bother, hope you're still active on here! I'm having trouble getting the costumes to unlock?

I have all Steam DLC purchased and enabled, if that makes a difference. I've successfully unpacked the game archive, I've managed to fix the tool running out of memory to restore my sound, I've downloaded this mod, extracted it to the main game directory (... steamapps/common/Fate Extella Link) and overwritten the required files. Whenever I open my game to check that it's installed properly, I check Nero's wardrobe and it always has the same five outfits I already have unlocked. Is there something I'm missing?


Sorry for the late reply.

When you unpacked the game archive, did you move the unpacked files to your Extella Link directory? If you've done that, then you also need to backup/move the following files in resource/target/win/pack/mount/retail:

This is because the game will attempt to load files from here first. By moving them to a different directory, the game is forced to load the loose files instead.


@Zdann It is fixed! Thank you so much, my mind just apparently completely blanked on moving those files out. The game works, has sound, and I have more outfits for Nero and Astolfo. You are a blessing to this world and have the patience of a saint. Thank you again!

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