Advanced Movement Standalone
Adds advanced movement options without additional keybinds.
Don't download this if you're already running IREnFIST. This is ripped straight from it.
Also went through about five minutes of standalone testing, so shout if something crashes.
Extract to PAYDAY 2/mods
Requires BeardLib (whoops lol)
- To slide, crouch from a sprint or sprint-jump. If hold-to-slide is on (check the mod options to change), also hold a movement key while sliding.
- Use movement keys to change slide direction or stop. Slides are instantly stopped by uncrouching.
- Slides can be extended or shortened by sloped surfaces.
- To wallhang, hold jump while approaching or near a wall to hang on it. While hanging, release jump to wallkick in the direction you're facing.
- Aiming down sights makes you slip down the wall at 25% speed for up to 6 seconds.
- To kick: sprint, wallkick, dash, or slide into an object or enemy for 175 damage and 2000 knockdown. Civilians and surrendered enemies are not targeted. Kicks done from a wallkick deal twice as much damage and have stronger knockdown.
- Shields can be knocked over with Shock and Awe aced.
- Hitting enemies drains stamina. Hitting inanimate objects does not.
- To dash, double-tap a directional movement key or set a keybind in mod options. This can be done while sliding.
- Dashes do not cost stamina, but will stop stamina regeneration.
- To wallrun, jump towards a wall at an angle and tap (or mash) sprint before you reach the peak of your jump.
- Jump while wallrunning to wallkick.
- Wallrunning requires a long and flat surface to work at all, making it hard or nearly impossible to use without a purpose-designed wallrunning map.

Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated2 years ago by

Solo Queue PixyOwner
