This mod adds a small, move-able HUD element to track the number of points you get from killing specials, as arbitrarily declared by Joy. Requested by user Cirrus via reddit.
"pee is stored in the balls" -Cirrus
- Adds a score counter HUD element (This can be moved to your liking in this mod's options)
- Increases your score when you kill an applicable enemy
- Displays a score tick "popup" when you kill an applicable enemy (This can be adjusted or disabled in this mod's options)
- Score tick "popup" has three appearance styles. Try them out!
- Saves your 10 best high scores, which you can see in this mod's options (new highscores are recorded when you complete or fail a heist)
- Details of the high scores can be displayed in the detailed view, including:
- The name of the heist
- If the gamemode was holdout, crime spree, or normal
- Heist duration
- Whether mutators were active
- Heist Difficulty
- JoyScoreCounter mod version (not displayed by default, but still saved)
About Highscores:
- Your scores are saved to a locally stored highscores list whenever you fail or complete a heist.
- This highscore list will save your username, the date, and the scores, up to a max of 10 entries.
- This information is not sent or shared to anyone else over the internet, however it is accessible to anyone on your local device.
Preview (v1.2 shown)
About Scoring:
Point scoring by enemy type:- * Sniper: 3 points
* (Shield: 5 points
* Medic: 6 points
* Taser: 7 points
* Cloaker: 10 points
* Bulldozer: 12 points
- * Most other enemy types are worth 1 point.
* Some types are worth negative values, such as Commissioner Garrett and civilians.
* Bosses, such as Chavez, the Biker Lady, and Hector, are generally worth 100 points.
* Unlisted enemies are worth 0 (zero) points. You can adjust this in menumanager.lua.
* Enemies from [Crackdown]( are supported.
* Enemies from [Restoration Mod]( are supported as of v2.7.
Points multipliers by difficulty:
- Easy: 0.5x
Normal: 1x
Hard: 2,
Very Hard: 4x
Overkill: 6x
Mayhem: 7x
Deathwish: 10x
Death Sentence: 14x
Planned Features:
- Indication of whether or not the highscore heist was successful
- Multiple pages for even more highscores
- Localization for other languages (please contact me if you would like to help generate alternate localizations)
- Score Multiplier for One Down/Mutators
- Score Multiplier for headshots (this is actually available for you to enable if you choose to change the headshot_multiplier variable in this mod's code, at menumanager.lua:301)
Known Issues:
- Going into custody may very rarely create an additional "SCORE: 0" window
* This can be fixed by being good at video games - HUD may not appear when using certain mods that override
, such as Primary Weapon for Secondary. Please enable HUD Compatibility Mode to resolve this issue.
Troubleshooting Info:
Please notify me immediately (preferably via Discord or Reddit) if you encounter a crash with this mod! I can't fix bugs if I don't know about them!
If you wish to remove your settings, you should remove the file located at PAYDAY 2/mods/saves/JoyScoreSettings.txt.
If you wish to remove your locally saved high scores, you should remove the file located at PAYDAY 2/mods/saves/JoyScoreRecords.txt.
This mod does not override any functions or hooks, so should be compatible with most HUD mods, but if it's not, your other HUD mods are seriously wack, yo.
This mod has been confirmed to work with PDTH HUD Final Version 3.
Please leave a comment here if you have questions, comments, or feedback.