Blocks the functioning of the escape zone until you confirm you want to escape.
You can either create a keybind for the escape to be confirmed or you can send a chat message, which by default is "escape", but you can change that in elementmissionend.lua if desired.
Both confirmations can be used before and after entering the escape zone and also before it appears. (so don't set it to a key you might easily hit by accident, I recommend using "." on QWERTY keyboards)
Auto-updating requires BeardLib, the mod itself doesn't.
The mod will automatically disable on maps and modes where it is not useful this includes: Safehouse Raid, Holdout, maps that don't use escape zones like Stealing Xmas and Beneath the Mountain (escaping with the christmas tree and a helicopter respectively) and maps where accidental escape is basically impossible due to the lack of (unnecessary) loot or a large distance between the escape and secure zones (or for example Car Shop and Biker Heist).
This all of course only works when you are the host.
There is one exploit but I can't fix it.
marijn211: keybind code, broken main code, all updates
Offyerrocker: rewriting the entire main code so it actually functioned
Xanaguy: helped fixing several bugs