The music volume of this pack varies from system to system. If the music is much louder than vanilla tracks, use the version of the pack with "Quiet" at the end. If the music is much quieter than the vanilla tracks, use the pack with "Loud" at the end.
This pack adds 14 heist tracks and 5 menu tracks from games from MGS 1, 2, 3, 4 and Peacewalker.
Heist tracks:
MGS 1 Encounter
MGS 2 Big Shell
MGS 2 Tanker
MGS 2 Yell Dead Cell
MGS 2 Yell Dead Cell VR Mix
MGS 3 Battle In The Base
MGS 3 Battle In The Jungle
MGS 3 Escape Through The Woods
MGS 3 Ocelot
MGS 4 For Liberty -Added in V2
MGS 4 Forced Hand -Added in V2
MGS 4 The Hunter -Added in V2
MGS 4 Unmanned Army -Added in V2
MGS 4 War Zone -Added in V2
Menu Tracks:
MGS 2 Main Menu Theme
MGS 3 Snake Eater
MGS Peacewalker Main Theme
MGS 4 Old Snake -Added in V2 Credits:
Konami - Metal Gear Solid series
Luffy - Music Module
If you think anything should be changed or a track should be added, let me know.