This mod is a precursor of the All Weapons Usefull Rebalance Mod. Now It's obsolete in my opinion but of course you are free to download it regarderless of my considerations :)
I'll keep it on MODWORKSHOP for those who want this specifically.
Since i like to try all of the options in a videogame, i've been pretty dissapointed triyng the locomotive :(
So i "fixed" it :)
The ammo pickup now guarantee 1 shell instead of (0-1)
I Increased the damage of the locomotive at 60 (from 40), this change will let you kill on overkill an heavy swat woth a single headshot from a decent range (no need anymore to melee-kill🙂).
Consider that: the farther you are from the target, the sooner you'll lose the capacity to kill IT with one headshot (because of damage falloff), so let's kill these bastards close and personal :)
1) Download DorHUD (the hook used by this mod):
2) Extract dahm-public-release.rar in your PAYDAY: The Heist folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY The Heist
3) If you already have DorHUD installed, just extarct the .rar file of this mod in your PAYDAY: The Heist folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY The Heist