"has a crosshair/10" - Gen
"what in the world hud is that " - Jarey_
"wow payday crime war is looking good" - Subsimple
"you're bad at video games and also modding" - Valkyrie
"i wake up to see the weirdest looking hud ever made" - Whurrhurr
"hey rocker make me internet famous too. are we recording already? oh ok, please download this quality hud mod it's very good i approve. kinetichud, get yours today! i want my payment in cash please" -Kuziz
KineticHUD, or KHUD, is an informational HUD (Heads-Up Display) BLT mod for the video game known as Day of Paying II: Source: Revengeance: The Taken King: WolfQuest: Lost Coast: Electric Boogaloo: Forsaken: The Pre-Sequel: Goodbye Despair: Return of the Jedi: Cyberpunk Bartender Action. Loosely inspired by the HUD in Bungie's game Destiny 2, KineticHUD was designed to show the maximum amount of information possible in a stylish way, and maintaining a robust balance between information, functionality, and a clean aesthetic. I'm terrible at naming things.
This mod is in early development discontinued so it's going to look ugly at first forever!
Some planned features may be missing, and it may initially be fairly hideous until I push out more updates, but for all intents and purposes it is playable and stable. I welcome feedback!
- Visualise and track timers and traits, such as Inspire Aced Cooldown, your current Berserker damage multiplier, or current dodge chance, all calculated and displayed in real time.
- Customizable, so you only need to see the things you want to see.
- Everything else can be disabled independently, if you want this buff tracker with other mods.
- Don't be caught with your pants down in front of a camera when the ECM wears off! ECM Rush with perfect timing.
- Know where on the map you and your teammates are by name, like in PAYDAY: The Heist. See screenshots for example.
- See Sydney! See Sydney Run! See Sydney Stop Running Because She Can't Tell How Much Stamina She Has! See Sydney Subsequently Assaulted By A Cloaker! Alternatively, get this mod, and See Sydney's Stamina Supply Shown On-Screen.
- Let the bodies hit the floor, and know exactly how many are there because of you. (Currently only shows kills with primary + secondary weapons)
- You may choose to display your ammo as every other video game does, where the ammo in your current magazine is not counted towards your total ammo reserves. This can be enabled or disabled in settings.
- Built-in visual Down Counter HUD element (sync-compatible with other clients who have Down Counter Standalone)
- Down Counter settings can be extensively customized in the menu.
- Displays uses left for Ammo Bags, Doctor Bags, and Bodybags Cases
- Displays health for your sentryguns
- Displays whether or not a First Aid Kit has "Uppers Aced" skill
- Displays remaining battery life of ECM Jammers
- This information fades away after approximately 1-2 seconds
- KHUD(TM) QuickChat: With a simple voice chat command menu like Team Fortress 2's, communicate more efficiently while keeping your head in the game! Or just spam voicelines at people. That's cool too, I guess. I'm not judging.
- KHUD(TM) StopQuickChat: Stop those immature idiots from spamming voicelines at you! Mute individual players with the in-game menu to stop them from using voice lines, or blacklist specific lines from being played by anyone at all. Also works against Basic Voices, PocoRose, and other similar mods.
- Know who's talking! Creates an indicator icon for the player who is speaking using in-game voice chat.
- Disabled by default- you can enable this in settings!
- Can change color depending on whom you are aiming at- crosshair turns red when aiming at enemies, green for civilians, and blue for teammate AI.
- Useful for map navigation. Most useful when playing with other people who have KineticHUD.
- Want to stop those Tasers from wasting your ammo? Forget to bring a suppressor and afraid you'll accidentally fire a shot and ruin your teammates' stealth? Bind a key to toggle your weapon's safety! Works with all weapon types. HUD element included.
- Visible HP/Armor numbers: See both a visualization of your/your teammates' armor/health, as well as the actual numbers.
- Displays the current assault phase (anticipation, build, sustain, regroup, fade, etc) as well as a timer for that phase. Requires you to be host, or for host to also have KineticHUD, as this information is not normally synced.
- Fixes a couple of bugs in the game: eg. armor HUD element does not visually break all of the way, leaving a tiny nub of armor in the radial circle even at 0 armor.
- "Unusual" effects for the worthy heisters- notable contributors/testers, etc. Or donators, if you want to throw money at me
- Some other secrets ;)
Heist location tracker data must be recorded manually in a process that often takes more than an hour per heist day. Therefore, KHUD will likely not display positional data for newer maps, and new map data will slowly be added as I create it.
Completed mapped heists:
Art Gallery/Framing Frame Day 1 (Same data)Framing Frame Day 2 ("Train Trade")
Framing Frame Day 3 ("Framing")
Bank Heist (and variations thereof)
First World Bank
Diamond Store
Jewelry Store
Ukrainian Job (Internally, a different map from Jewelry Store, but same layout so I just copypasted it)
Shadow Raid
Cook Off/Rats Day 1
Murky Station
Known incomplete location trackers:
the like 80-something other heists in this video game(this figure includes individual unique days from heists)
Escape: Underpass (in progress)
GO Bank (In progress)
Car Shop
Reservoir Dogs (2)
Transport: Crossroads
Transport: Downtown
Transport: Harbour
Transport: Park
Transport: Train
Transport: Underpass
Escape: Park
Escape: Garage
Escape: Cafe
Diamond Heist
Green Bridge
Heat Street
Panic Room
Cursed Kill Room
Lab Rats
Prison Nightmare
Safe House Nightmare
Safe House Raid
Safe House (neither nightmare nor raid)
Firestarter (3) (Not sure if day 3 counts as a bank heist)
Watchdogs (2)
Boiling Point
Alaskan Deal
Beneath the Mountain
Birth of Sky
Breakin' Feds
Brooklyn Bank
Henry's Rock
Shacklethorne Auction
Scarface Mansion
The Bomb: Dockyard
The Bomb: Forest
Brooklyn 10-10
The Yacht
Golden Grin Casino
Hotline Miami (2)
Hoxton Breakout (2)
Hoxton Revenge
Big Bank
The Diamond (Museum)
Big Oil (2)
Election Day (3)
The Biker Heist (2)
Four Stores
Goat Simulator (2)
Santa's Workshop
Stealing Xmas
White Xmas
Planned Features:
- highest priority buffs in center of screen (scanner left panel)- buffs by priority
- create ammo counter display for teammates
- separate quickchat panel from chat
- allow custom x/y for quickchat panel
- downcounter: option to show downs instead of revives
- custom interaction circle w/ timer?
- show teammates' interaction circles
- bag carry icon for teammates/self]
- Guide/tool for customizing QuickChat
- Guide/documentation for using the Cartographer tool to create location tracker data
- Sync "flashbanged" state to other players who are using KHUD
- "Active Scanning"
* Shows an HP bar for any enemy you're looking at
* Distance to the enemy you're looking at if your current weapon has a rangefinding scope on it
- Friendly Cortana-like AI inhabiting your HUD and telling you to git gud providing helpful information such as ECM timers or cues!
- Customized Stats Screen (AKA Tab Screen)
- Show your Berserker's health cap level
- Show kill counter/HP for jokers
- Certain buffs have not been implemented and are thus missing from the list:
* Bloodthirst Basic's melee bonus stacks (Bloodthirst Aced's reload speed bonus displays just fine)
* Sixth Sense automark timer
* Infiltrator melee damage stacks
* Gambler cooldowns
* Sociopath stuff
* Sicario "is in smoke bomb" status tracker
Recommended Mods:
- VR Inventory Icons- Better Assault Indicator
- Lobby Player Info
- Enhanced Hitmarkers
- Press2Hold standalone
Other Mod Support
KineticHUD has confirmed compatibility with the following mods:
- Burstfire (Custom HUD-element support for Burstfire mode)
- Lobby Player Info (KHUD does not currently modify the stats screen)
- Better Assault Indicators
Contact me if you would like to work out compatibility with your mod.
Planned Mod Support:
- Joker Nametags from Keepers/that other mod that adds Keepers nametags
KineticHUD currently does not support VR. Please disable KineticHUD before launching into VR.
I create mods in my free time. I can't always spend as much time as I'd like to on modding, due to work/school. If you'd like, you can help out by leaving feedback (if you know how to use photoshop and/or create visual mockups for HUD designs, now is your time to shine), submitting translations, submitting map data using the Cartographer, submitting pull requests, or donating.
Significant contributors will gain an unusual effect of their choice, which will appear in-game to other players who use KineticHUD; also, they will earn my undying love and appreciation.
The link to KineticHUD's GitHub page can be found here.
The latest development versions that I'm working on will be there, on GitHub. You can always feel free to download those versions and try them out- not every update I push to GitHub is entirely stable, so not every update will be mirrored here. However, I generally try to keep testing versions as bug- and crash-free as possible for people to try.
Known Issues:
- KineticHUD may require manual realignment for those running lower resolutions
- Bots do not show their health amount. This will be added soon.
- Teammates' radial interaction circle is currently hidden. I will re-add this soon.
- Pocket ECMs from teammates who are using the Hacker perk deck are not tracked by the ECM tracker. This is a priority issue.
- Maniac bar may sometimes display over the condition diamond
- Berserker buff tracker's display trigger may not occur
- Unseen Strike buff tracker may not be properly removed along with the in-game effect itself
- Stoic 75% "direct damage" reduction does not appear in your calculated Total Damage Resist buff status, due to Stoic's damage resistance being tracked differently by the game than standard damage resist
- Some assault phases, like "Regroup," do not show a timer for time left in that phase, or may not appear entirely
### Support and Troubleshooting
Since KineticHUD is currently discontinued due to lack of interest and also lack of quality, I don't have plans to add any features. Sorry about that.