A small set of scripts to make it easier for mod creators to add specific features to their attachments.
Current Modules:
- gadget_linking
- custom_scope_effects
- scope_overlay
- infrared_highlighting
- limit_riser
- bayonet_fixes
- reload_sounds
- `scope_infrared` effect shader. Makes highlighted objects more visible and everything else less visible.
- `bayonet_fixes` adds the ability to bind a key to your weapon butt / bayonet! Simply scroll along the top of the controls menu to `EATD` and add a key binding. In order to make this more useful the speed of weapon butts has also been doubled.
Example Code:
Allows you to create a gadget which copies the state of another gadget without being part of the normal gadget system. Useful if you can't pack all of the gadget functionality into a single unit. Example code soonTM.
All you need to do is add a scope_overlay variable to your scope with the path of the texture you want to use. This works for both normal scopes and secondary gadget scopes. I recommend making the texture square as this should scale best on multiple aspect ratios.
Highlights any character that is visible with your scope with a blueish outline and immediately removes it when un-scoping. To use this simply add "infrared" to your attachments perks.
Improves the way modder's can create custom bayonets. Simply set the type
or sub_type
to bayonet
and add a melee
table to your bayonet. Any default melee data can be put into table and used.
Custom reload sounds. Let's a modder define custom reload sounds without replacing existing ones.
You can get sound IDs for various reloads and other animations from here: https://pastebin.com/Ryd8KKWi
Example Mods:
- Thermal Scope ( custom_scope_effects, scope_overlay, infrared_highlighting )