"The Wrench...man...what to say about this girl? Some freaky shit going on right there. I'd like to say she's actually a sensitive, sweet person beneath the harsh exterior, but I'm pretty sure she's a "f***** up motherf*****" all the way through. I don't even know who first recruited her, she just started showing up at local hackerspaces and building her "tools of destruction"."
Watch_Dogs 2's Wrench joins the PAYDAY Gang, replacing Joy. Features a custom, fully functional and emoting mask with 8 different expressions.
Also includes localization changes and the Pocket Jammer effect icon replaced with WD2's bot-net icon.
Raised hoodie is optional via patch.
Minor clipping but it's not too bad. Designed to fit Joy best.
Requires BLT or SuperBLT, as well as Beardlib.
Extract to mod_overrides.
Ubisoft - Watch_Dogs 2™
Tsuna - Additional model work
Hisao Nakaii - Normal maps
Matthelzor - Normal maps
Q: What is that mark on her face?
A: (Watch Dogs 2 spoilers)
Spoiler!Late in WD2 Wrench loses his mask when he is kidnapped. Although originally intended as blood and bruising from when he was captured, it has been canonically accepted that it is rather a port wine birthmark on his face. One of the reasons he hides behind a mask.