Replaces all Bulldozers with the PD:TH Bulldozer (Excluding Russian faction and Titan-Dozer), revamped with new higher quality textures.
Includes the Zeals and Minigun/Medic and Zombies.
Each Bulldozer has been given a unique texture to differentiate themselves. The LMG Bulldozer has the original classic PD:TH texture with added camo.
An optional .zip concealed inside to remove the camouflage pattern is available.
Runs entirely on PD:TH animations for authenticity, as well as using the 'blown in' visor.
Extract to mod_overrides.
Not compatible with any mod that modifies Bulldozer models or textures.
Recommended to also download PD:TH Bulldozer Audio for the matching voice.
Whurr - Concepts, design and asset rips
Cpone - Animations and model setup
Jarey_ - HD textures and model setup
Note this mod is buggy as all hell in MP if not everybody uses the mod.
Known Issues:
[Visual] Some unaltered PD2 animations still have stretched hands. This is mostly special animations and therefore are rare and aren't particularly worth the effort or a good idea to replace.
[Visual] Hosts that use Full Speed Swarm may see the Bulldozer's legs visually run faster or slower than he is actually moving.
[Gameplay] Damage dealt to the Bulldozer's glass visor will not synchronise with other players who do not use the mod. If multiple players do use the mod, this bug won't occur.
[Gameplay] Game crashes if Bulldozer is hit by Arrows or Projectile weapons. This mod is likely stagnant and may not be fixed. Fixed by a recent game update (hopefully)