Adds a standalone Seburo M5 as a secondary pistol and primary akimbo pistol. Unlock level: 45
Seburo M5 |Akimbo Seburo M5 |
Magazine 20|Magazine 40
Total Ammo 80|Total Ammo 120
Rate of Fire 500|Rate of Fire 500
Damage 45|Damage 45
Accuracy 76|Accuracy 76
Stability 60|Stability 52
Concealment 28|Concealment 26
Threat 9|Threat 9
Reload 1.4/2.2s|Reload 3.2/4.0s
Custom Stats:
The gun uses 5.45x18mm 7N7 Light armor piercing ammo which defeats body armor but doesn't penetrate shields, walls or multiple enemies.
This makes it the second handgun with AP capability without additional ammo mods *cough* like this one -> [-] *cough*.