This mod is inspired from:
and >:3's
It just constantly felt strange that the angled sights (Not the sniper) and other (un-used) gadgets to have stats like they are. Some being a direct upgrade and such. For me, who likes the Tactical Laser over the Compact Laser for aesthetic reasons, and to Non-DLC users, suffer this problem. I wanted to fix that.
Assault Light 4 Stability bonus
Tactical Laser Module 0 concealment penalty
Military Laser Module -1 concealment penalty rather than -2 so it has some value over LED Combo
Pocket Laser 0 concealment penalty so it wouldn't be a direct downgrade for the Micro Laser
M308's Scope Mount gives 4 stability instead of 4 accuracy like the AK scope Mounts.
-1 concealment penalty to all 45 degree sights and magnifying gadget