Adds in PP-2000 as Machine-Pistol
Unlock Level: 45 (single) | 55 (akimbo)
Designed as a close-quarter combat weapon and for personnel that doesnt need a full-length weaponry.
The PP-2000 checks all the mark on what's needed as an effective PDW. Small, lightweight, and the ability to punch through armor.
Used by Riot Police to Vehicle Crew and Special Op Forces.
Features 1 ammunition option, 1 barrel option, 1 magazine, 2 stock option, and a black finish receiver.
An ammo modification to 9mm the gun uses, giving armor penetration capability.
A unique stock that utilizes extra magazine, giving more total ammo to bring.
MW2 Flashback with Custom MW2's PP2000 Firing sound.
Thanks to VxWolf for supplying the custom weapon sound, and GermanTacos & kden (BE) for the Black Finish texture
This can be considered the successor of Groceries' PP-2000, as he dont have plan to remake his Battlefield PP-2000.
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires SuperBLT + AutoFire Sound Fix
Recommended Custom Firearm Mechanic for Custom Weapon
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- The hand gripping the front foregrip is a little bit off. A side-effect I'm willing to take.- Akimbo will show the hollow inside of the gun, when the bolt cycles.
- Akimbo reload might have its bolt moving by itself on full reload.
- The default flash hider might disappear if you attempt to install Concealed Barrel while having any barrel_ext. To fix this, revert back to default barrel, then install and uninstall any barrel_ext