Akimbo + Ext Mag + Close By Ace = 1,296 bullets in one reload, all fired in under 8 sec
Requires: Host
Teammates that use the Grim and Brothers Grimm (Akimbo) cause horrific tracer, wall impact and audio spam.
This can lead to severe frame drops on weaker PCs, due to the extreme amounts of tracers and wall impacts, as well as the audio card failing to keep up with all the sfx occurring.
Or maybe you just don't like the visual spam.
This mod reduces the number of pellets fired from your Team, cosmetically, and clientside.
Your teammates will not actually lose pellets on their own end. This is a visual tweak only.
This will not effect your own grimms in your own hands.
Reduces the pellets (visually only) per blast from the default of 12 (24) to 5 (10).
Options include reducing this to 3 (6) or 1 (2).
(#) is when Akimbo is used.
Extract one of the three folders to Mods.
Known Issues: If you use mods that allow bots to equip more weapons such as Grimm and Brothers Grimm (Secondary and Akimbo), they will fire less pellets, and be disadvantaged. So don't give them these modded weapons while hosting this. Turns out Bots only fire 1 pellet and the rest is cosmetic anyway.