PAYDAY 2 Update 217 (26 Jan 2022) brings with it a couple of quality-of-life changes, including a down counter for yourself and for teammates- presumably, it is more reliable than this mod. As of 26 Jan 2022, this Down Counter mod still works as intended. However, since it no longer offers any major novel functionality over the base game, the Down Counter mod will no longer receive updates.
Feel free to use it anyway, if you prefer it for some reason.
This mod displays a visible number representing the number of downs for each player on the HUD; additionally, this mod may optionally be configured to send a chat message when players go down.
- This can be configured to display the number of downs (revives used) or revives (revives remaining). This option can be set separately for teammates and for you.
- Downs are visible as a number inside players' respective health circles.
- This HUD element showing downs can be disabled in this mod's options.
- This mod can optionally only announce a down when it's someone's last revive. (Must have "Show Teammate Revives" enabled)
- This mod can optionally just "whisper" the message to you only, and not spam everyone else's chat.
- This mod can track when someone uses a doctor bag, and how many downs they have restored.
- You can mute Down Counter in the mod's settings so that it does not output anything (to chat or otherwise), of course.
VR support is tentative; I will try to make this mod support VR, but since I do not have a VR headset with which to test it, compatibility is not guaranteed.
Known Issues:
- This mod does not override functions, so it shouldn't cause crashes; however, its HUD may fail to display on certain HUDs like MUI or BL2HUD.
- Does not account for other players having Nine Lives Aced. (Should work just fine for you.) Players may be abnormally marked as dead, or as having greater than normal downs, due to Nine Lives Aced not being information transmitted by players. However, this should work fine for any other players in your lobby who have the mod. thanks overkill
- Using the "Show Teammate Revives" shows an ESTIMATE of your teammate's revives, because the actual number of lives is not synced- only the information of whether or not a teammate goes down can be seen. For this reason, it is recommended to leave "Show Teammate Revives" disabled. (See also: Nine Lives Aced is not synced, above)
- Does not account for existing downs if you join a game already in progress. However, this can be mitigated if both players have this mod.
Planned Features:
- code that is not bad
- remove existential dread
- fix hoxhud
Currently Supported Languages:
- English
- Chinese (simplified)
If you encounter a bug, please report it on [the mod's GitHub repository](, or here if you don't have a GitHub account. Attach a crash log, if relevant, and details about the error (eg. when it happens, or what things are occurring when you're crashing). Feel free to also submit proposed changes to the repository.
If you need help with any of my mods, please contact me via ModWorkshop PMs.
If you would like to translate this mod into another language, please submit your translations to the GitHub repository (linked above).