[align=center][b][size=medium]Bain: "If you ever get in a bar fight again, these would definitely come in handy"[/size][/b][/align]
[align=left][size=medium]Adds in MAG-7 as secondary shotgun, and a akimbo version as primary.[/size][/align]
Unlock Level: 40 (Secondary); 55 (Akimbo)
The Butcher managed to get hold a couple of these in a batch gotten from a certain cartel at off-the-grid harbor in Southeast Asia. Claimed that's the previous owner is some kind of hitman/bodyguard/caretaker? (document indicate a 'combat maid'?). If you know what's the harbor looks like, you won't get surprised by this kind of things.
Chains made a few adjustments to this gun so the ammo doesn't fall off and the [url=https://youtu.be/IW7k8WHS2Go?t=845]pump doesn't hit your fingers[/url], but despite our pleads to not put a foregrip on it, he did it anyway, he also decided to mutilate a couple of magazines and weld them together in the name of increased ammo capacity.
Wolf, in his usual (mad) attempt to make any shotgun better thought out a better way to increase damage output.. Instead of working on a more deadlier shell payload, handling 2 of the gun in each hand is better he thought. To remove pesky slow pumping cycle that prevents him from rapid firepower, he quickly jury-rigged the gun to auto cycle with each shot.
Features, a longer barrel modification, extended magazine, 2 stock option, and 2 receiver finishes.
The gun can utilize slamfire if you install the necessary mod see Optional below
The akimbo version, due to many weapon modding limitation, doesn't have pumping cycle.
The akimbo RoF is also intentionally low to prevent overpowering the Brothers Grimm.
As Always,
[color=#ff3333][size=xx-large]Requires [/size][/color][size=xx-large][color=#ffffff]BeardLib[/color][/size]
[size=xx-large][color=#ff3333][color=#ff3333]Requires [/color][/color][/size][url=https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=19136][size=x-large][color=#ffffff][size=xx-large]Custom Weapon Animation Fixes[/size][/color][/size][/url]
[size=x-large][color=#ff3333]Recommended [url=https://bitbucket.org/pjal3urb/burstfire/src][size=x-large][color=#ffffff]Burst Fire[/color][/size][/url] & [/color][url=https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=20618][color=#ffffff]Custom Firearm Mechanic[/color][/url][/size]
[b]> Put in "mod_overrides" folder[/b]
Known Issues:
- 'Jumpy' animation transition between reload and normal weapon stance. Modding limitation caused by animation mixing.
- A vert grip exist on the pump. This is necessary so the gun can use somewhat believable animation, that is KSG anim.
- No sight support, due to the way the gun is positioned on the world, the optic root position clips with the gun.
- Upon reloading from empty magazine, no pumping animation is performed. Modding limitation.