Adds in Gepard GM6 Lynx as Primary Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle
Unlock Level: 75
A Hungarian-borne gun, probably why The Butcher can get such a heavy-duty gun with ease.. the eastern bloc probably have lax weapon handling custom.
Anti Materiel weaponry is meant for hardened target or light-medium protected armored vehicle.
In the heisting world, the 12.7x108mm caliber of Soviet-origin would do the Bulldozer armor a run for it's money, or anyone foolish enough to get the end of the barrel.
Features 4 attachment option, 2 barrel; 1 magazine; and an custon ammunition.
A shorter barrel, and Suppressed Barrel
Shorter magazine for added concealment
And a modified 12.7x108mm with significantly decreased kinetic energy but with more ammo to pickup.
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires WeaponLib
Requires Custom Weapon Animation Fixes
Recommended Custom Firearm Mechanic for Custom Weapon
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issues:
- Semi-auto using Thanatos bolt-action anim.. Nothing I can do about it. But I've set the RoF high enough so you can fire continuously with rapid trigger pull.- Short barrel have some kind of texture glitch due to how the base barrel texture is built from.. Minor issue that I probably won't fix
- Standard mag is long enough that it eats the player hand when reloading. This is an animation limitation and there's nothing I can do, except we got custom animation capability.