Standalone Kar98k
Gage: "An old Mauser Rifle put together with different parts.
It should work fine for you as it did for the krauts back then."
Adds the Mauser Karabiner 98k. Originally from Kitsune Jimmys Mauser Kar98k mod now a standalone Rifle!
- Magazine: 5
- Total Ammo: 35
- RoF: 60
- Damage: 450
- Accuracy: 84
- Stability: 16
- Concealment: 7
- Threat: 26
- You have to rebuy the gun If you update to 1.4
- Now you can use every scope (eaven the standard one) The iron scope will be used as default
- There is no bayonet for the gun (yet! and the chance to get one is very low!)
- No authentic German scope (use this:
- The GEHA conversion might not have the right damage range values.
- ! This mod requires BeardLib !
- ! This mod requires WeaponLib !
- ! This mod requires MoreAmmoTypes !
- ! This gun supports custom attachments !
You only need Custom attachments for custom weapons and a supported custom attachment. - How to install:
Simply put the Kar98k Standalone folder in your mod_overrides folder
Known Graphical bugs:
Kitsune Jimmy:
- Some backface culling on the stock where the upper meets the wood. Trying to find a fix. FRIKKIN CULLING
- Bolt is not in line with the animation. This can not be fixed unless we get some animation tools... DAMN IT OVERKILL
- Hand clips through stripper clip when reloading. It was either this, or the whole thing clipping through the upper reciever, which annoyed the crap out of me
- Silenced barrel does not have a black variant. This is because the original has a cloth around it. I MIGHT try putting a cloth over the Kar's barrel at some point.
From me:
- the Geha Shells clip a bit through the mag
Known Bugs:
- When you have shotun ammo equiped and you change the barrel the game will tell you that the ammo is still equiped but it isnt! (blame overkill for that)
If you find bugs that are not model related pls let me know them!!
Thanks to Kitsune Jimmy who allowed me to use his model. Check his stuff out:
Publish Date8 years ago
Last Updated4 years ago