Formerly "New Networked Lasers." We're going New Coke, baby!
Lasers+ (or "Lasers Plus") is a Quality-of-Life BLT mod that allows you to change laser and flashlight colors, as well as a couple of inventory features.
Freshly optimized and combat-ready!
The main purpose of this mod used to be to display your laser color to other teammates with this mod, but this feature has been implemented into the game as of Update 161.
Luckily, this mod still has features that the base game does not, such as the ability to change the colors of lasers that are not your own, such as teammates, snipers, turrets, and vault lasers.
Features * Customizable R/G/B/A levels with in-game menu for: - Your weapons' lasers - Your weapons' flashlights - Your teammates' lasers (in case those idiots won't stop making their lasers the same color as enemy sniper lasers) - Your teammates' flashlights - Enemy snipers' lasers (in case you don't want to stop those idiots from making their lasers the same color as enemy sniper lasers) - World/vault lasers such as the ones in Big Bank, GO Bank, Golden Grin, or Murky Station - Turrets' lasers (for three different modes: normal, reloading, and ECM hacked) - VR menu laser pointer. This will use your Own Laser settings (display mode, custom color, strobe enabled) * BLT Auto-updated * Make any lasers or flashlights strobe in different colors - Make custom strobe patterns - Sync your strobes with other players (visible to other Lasers+ modded clients) * Laser colors can be updated mid-game * Quality of Life inventory features: (as in the standalone version) - Default gadget attachment settings: Newly purchased weapon laser/flashlight gadgets in the Black Market will default to your selected Lasers Plus laser color or flashlight color, rather than default green laser/white flashlight. - Default sight attachment settings: Newly purchased weapon sights will default to the reticule symbol and reticule color of your choosing, which can be customized in the menu. * Feature: Activate multiple gadgets at once (as in the standalone version). This feature can be disabled in the mod menu. * Feature: Automatically filter out player lasers if they too closely resemble red lasers (as in the standalone version). This filter applies to both unmodded teammate lasers and shared teammates' gadget colors via Lasers+. Filtered colors will be set to your "teammate laser" color instead. This feature can be disabled in the mod menu. * Flashlights' glow effects can be customized (as in the standalone version) so that the glow doesn't obscure your aiming. * Flashlights' range and angle can be customized, making them more visible and useful in illuminating darker heists. * Forced laser colors for certain custom weapons. Alcat's Railgun Rorsch MK-1 currently uses this feature! Custom weapon modders can make this a feature of their weapon by adding a "forced_laser" value to their weapon's tweak data, along with a color string readable by BLT. See this mod's changelog, or BLT's documentation for the required color string format needed. * NEW Feature: Bind a separate key to activate your secondary sight gadget. Optionally, you may choose to disable activating the secondary sight through the game's default gadget key, if you want to only use the separate keybind feature. Preview: Team Preview:
- More organized menu/submenus
- Menu system for strobes
- Synced Flashlight colors and strobes
- Code that is not bad
Known Issues
- Flashlight strobes are not currently networked to other players with this mod
* While using the Activate Multiple Gadgets feature, you will not be shown as using multiple gadgets to other clients; instead, you will be shown with no active gadgets. (Applies only when two gadgets are on; using a single gadget with the feature enabled will work as intended.) This is a result of PAYDAY 2 not being coded to sync multiple gadgets. Other clients who have Lasers+ or the Activate Multiple Gadgets standalone will be able to see multiple-laser displays.
Can I disable other players' lasers so I don't confuse them with snipers?
Yes. You can set them to any color or strobe you like so that you can distinguish them, or else you can choose to make them invisible.
How do I make custom strobes lasers?
There will be a readme soon! It's a confusing system at the moment while I write the menu. Also see this resource website for creating desired colors with RGB called ColorPicker.
Can I disable [x] feature of this mod?
You can disable any and all of the features in this mod at will, through the menu. If you just want to change the laser color of enemy snipers, or if you just want to make your own gadgets a colorful, blinding disco-inferno rave of rainbow hell, then you can do that!
Do I.... internet?
If you encounter a bug, please report it below, and attach any crash log associated with it.
If you need help with any of my mods, please contact me via reddit, Steam, or email.