Youtube Preview:
- Stealth -->
- Loud -->
- INSTALLATION: Put the "[Custom] K-On Concert" folder into your mod_overrides folder which is in your assets folder which is in PD2 directory. If you don't have a mod_overrides folder just make one.
- If you don't want or like the music go into the folder of the mod and delete the "soundbanks" folder.
Four months later, actually three weeks, I've finished this pain in the ass mod. The music files are so annoying to deal with. There are like 10 different audio files with just an intro, which should all just be one file, and I have to cut each one up and make sure it doesn't sound stuttery in the game. I've finally finished with something I'm happy with. It may not be perfect as there is some stuttering but I'm burnt out trying to trail and error this mod so I'm just going to release it.
I'll upload the original Photoshop files and music files which equals to about 7gb by request. Otherwise I'll just leave this normal version up.
Another thing. Why the hell are the pre-intro audio files for both the DJ loops and regular Loud music loops??? I had to make it sound weird as hell just to make it sound somewhat decent.
MUSIC: Might be a bit confusing but if you've tried to edit this yourself you'd understand.
Used "Curry Nochi Rice (#12 'Shinkan!' Mix)" for the Pre-Intro for Loud loop and for the DJ loop as well as the pre-intro and pre-loop for the DJ loop.
Used "Fuwa Fuwa Time" for the Loud loop
Used "Have Some Tea" for the stealth loop
Used "Fude Pen ~Ball Pen~" for something, I forgot.
- If I'm missing any references comment so I can add them.
This mod was inspired by user: "Yume ♥" who made a similar mod named "Neptunia Concert." Your mod was great and kind of inspired me to figure out how to get rid of that damned bell sound in the beginning. Here's a hint, BNK.