Volmer HK51-B
Decided to discontinue this gun support. This means if the gun breaks on future update, I wont be fixing it.
Parts of this mod will be transferred to G3 Various Attachment mod.
Anybody that want to take over maintaining this, PM me.
Bain: "Only 30 of this is made, and somehow the Butcher happen to have one.
Being such a rare weapon, word is that it's a due payment of one of the Butcher's associate."
Adds in Volmer HK51-B as Primary Light Machine Gun
Unlocks Level: 55
Aftermarket conversion of G3 to be belt-fed, short-barreled version of it. Charging system has been changed. Ammo is fed via the M13 link designed for the M60 machine gun, but since the original mag box is lost on when smuggling, Chain's make some tinkering so it could use existing Brenner-21 mag box instead.
Features a barrel and stock modification
Small, concealable LMG, with moderately high damage. But suffer in ammo capacity, pickup rate, and RoF.
To ADS with LMG, you use Steelsight mod
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires Custom Weapon Animation Fixes
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- Mag box clips with the gun body. Nothing can be done about it- Weapon hold animation can only use Payday 2 HK21/Brenner-21 anim.. Other anim such as MP5 weapon hold will make player's hand clip with gun parts.

Publish Date8 years ago
Last Updated6 years ago
