Adds in Minebea PM-9 as Secondary SMG with akimbo variant
Unlock Level: 32
Minebea is the nickname of the manufacturer that developed the weapon, Nippon Miniature Bearing Company. It is based on the Israeli IMI Mini Uzi.
Adopted it 1999 by the JSDF, at a time where H&K MP5 is also a popular SMG, it is speculated that the JSDF chose the locally-manufactured-licensed Mini Uzi derivative of their own, because procuring MP5 at that time would result in a more expensive cost.
Features 2 stock modification, 1 extended magazine, 1 grip modification, and a unique barrel extension.
Lots of reserve ammo and a quick-reload time will make the Minebea a solid secondary.
As Always,
Requires BeardLib
Requires SuperBLT + AutoFire Sound Fix
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
- Tried to 'disable' the muzzle flash for the Flash Suppressor barrel ext (to make it actually "works" like flash-suppressor, duh), but fail because of the silencer base. So I have to change the base to a non-silencer barrel ext base, and I can't switch the muzzle flash to the silencer one..If you knew how, maybe send help? xd