StatTrak modification
Adds a CS:GO like StatTrak attachment to the game.
-11 modes
- StatTrak Kills - The total number of kills with a weapon
- StatTrak Headshots - The total number of headshots with a weapon
- StatTrak Accuracy - The accuracy you have with a weapon
- Session Kills - The number of kills during the current day of a heist with a weapon
- Session Headshots - The number of headshots during the current day of a heist with a weapon
- Session headshots/kills - The number of headshots and kills during the current day of a heist with a weapon
- Session Accuracy - The accuracy you have with a weapon during the current day of a heist
- Range Finder - Allows you to accurately measure distances
- Number of downs - The number of downs you have during the current day of a heist
- Objectives Completed - Number of objectives completed during the current day of a heist
- Damage dealt - Damage dealt during the current day of a heist
-Switch modes mid-game with a customizable key-bind
The modification is NOT available for the following weapons:
- Plainsrider Bow
- English Longbow
Put in mod_overrides folder.
