This mod adds the Bagger perk deck, gives all the essentials for being the team pack mule.
You were always the type of person to want to run and lift at the same time!
For you there is no such thing as too heavy!
Now after vigorous training, you have become the human equivalent to a fork lift!.
Pre-heist Energy drink:
Increases stamina by 10%.
Lower stamina regeneration delay by 10%.
Regenerate stamina 25% faster.
Lightweight Kevlar:
Regenerate armor 15% faster
You gain 15% more armor.
Bland healthy oats for breakfast:
You gain 20% more health
You regenerate 1% of your life every 5 seconds.
Pack mule:
When wearing armor, your movement speed is 25% less affected
Loot bag movement penalty is reduced by 20%
Delivery service:
Loot bag movement penalty is reduced by 40%.
You gain a 1% speed boost after securing a loot bag.
EDIT: After some feedback, I toned back some of the values so that this was no longer outclassing any of the other perkdecks. Sorry about this being incredibly OP, this is the first mod I have made and I have quite a bit to learn.
Feel free to give me suggestions about how to change it and I may implement them!
Thank you for the feedback I am excited to hear more!
P.S. As per a request, I am working on a stealth version of this, Should be coming soon!