This mod adds a heist custom track John Wick Mode to the game, which includes: Tyler Bates - On The Hunt for aStealthphase (it's from the first movie, but very similar to Back In The Ground from the second) Le Castle Vania - John Wick Mode for all of theLoudphases
UPDATED: - recomposed stealth phase so it sounds more natural - removed entry-stealth (that starting part of a phase, which is played only once and is not a part of a loop, idk if there is an "official" name for it) - smoothed assault loop, because omg this custom tracks system keeps to cut all the parts by a random bit, fucking hate it
To install you first of all need BLT + BeardLib + BeardLib Music Module Addon. Then insert the "John Wick Mode" folder in your "PAYDAY 2/assets/mod_overrides/" and you're done.
Wanna listen how the track sounds in the game? Here is a gameplay video (old ver):