This mod has a lot of improvements and fixes coming in updates soon. This is my first mod so dont bug me about it. Let me know about some of the bugs or things I can improve on by commenting. Thank you to anyone who downloads this mod.
How to install
All you have to do to install is unzip the file and inside the folder you unzip there should be a folder called "SilvaGunner Lazy Town". Take that folder and put it in your assets/mod_overrides folder and you should be good.
How to activate in game
In game to activate it you go to Soundtracks tab and at the bottom press "Custom Track" and at the back or near the back should say "SilvaGunner Lazy Town Remix"
You need BeardLib Music Module Addon:
And I think you need BeardLib but not 100% sure. Just in case I'll link it.
Version 0.2
Fixed a problem where the instrumentals would play twice before starting the music in assualt.
Fixed a problem where there was a gap of time between anticipation and bustin in the music.
Improved the Anticipation Music(Cops are alerted). Improved Stealth Music (When alarm has yet to be activated)
Improved the Bustin Music (Cops have arrived).
Version 0.3
Fixed a stealth music bug. (Line played multiple times)
Version 0.4
Fixed a stealth music bug. (Line played multiple times)