Beardlib is required (Because it's a standalone mask)
Click here if you don't know who she is. It's basically her Infected version. It's also the only Infected model of her I could find.
Custom Model and texture (as it's a standalone)
Custom colored icon and description
There's theoretically a French localization for this mod but I somehow can't get it to work.
Model by Deino used in this video (May not be suitable for very young or sensible people):
If you want this music as Menu track, click here, made by Skyfry428
This MMD model was a real pain in the ass to cut and edit. Hope you enjoy. Tell me if there is any problem and I'll see what I can do.
Known bugs:
You can't really see the mask if you try to preview it in the inventory. It is due to how long her hair are and I don't know if there is a way to fix this.