buffed armor regen (reduced to 30 seconds)
Added more creative names (requested by leon S.)
I know what your thinking. "So what, you get lots of armor?" and your right this perk deck gives you LOTS of armor. Like and unreasonable amount (+400%). but there are drawbacks. So before you go into the comments and type "400% armor, OPAF PLS NERF" just take a look at the drawbacks. It may seem like an OP perk deck but man if your playing on anything above overkill, you are gonna have a lot of hurt.
As always in my perk decks, If you actually read the descriptions in game you're in for some good shtick
Level 1: Armored I
+10% armor
fall damage now destroys 100% armor regardless of height
Level 2: Everything but the Kitchen Sink
+100% ammo max
-100% dodge
Level 3: Armored II
+15% armor
-10% movement speed
Level 4: Armored III
+25% armor
-10% movement speed
Level 5: Armored IV
+50% armor
-10% speed
Level 6: Armored V
+50% armor
armor regen timer set to 10 seconds
Level 7: Armored VI
+50% armor
-10% movement speed
Level 8: Armored VII
+50% armor
armor regen timer set to 15 seconds
Level 9: Bulldozer
+75% armor
-10% speed
armor regen set to 60 seconds
sprint speed reduced to a pitiful level
Final Stats
+400% armor
-50% movement speed (dose not stack with armor penalties but multiplies)
+100% ammo max
All fall damage destroys 100% of armor
armor regen risen to 30 seconds
This perk deck is also sometimes referred to as the "Larry the Snail Deck"
Some interesting dynamics that pop up when using this build is that with such a high armor level you can tank lots of damage however with the slow regen rate you need to retreat every so often to heal, but you cant because you are so damn slow.
If you still feel like this deck is overpowered, give it a try on mayhem or deathwish. It's not as OP as it looks