This mod dose not have auto update
Adds a new skill tree featuring perk-a-cola abilities
tier 1
Staminup -
BASIC: +50% stamina
ACED: Removes delay before stamina recharges
PHD Flopper -
BASIC: -75% fall damage
ACED: non lethal fall damage is reduced to 0%
tier 2
Jugernog -
BASIC: +20% health max
ACED: +40% health max
Vulture Aid -
BASIC: +75% ammo pickup range
ACED: +30% ammo pickup value
Wunder fizz -
BASIC: +4% to armor, health, ammo max, and stamina
ACED: raised to 8%
tier 3
Doubletap -
BASIC: +15% rate of fire
ACED: +15% rate of fire
Speed Cola -
BASIC: +15% reload speed
ACED: +15% reload speed
Muel Kick -
BASIC: +25% ammo max
ACED: +35% ammo max
Who's who
BASIC: +100% intimidation range
ACED: +2 max converted enemies
tier 4
BASIC: +10% weapon damage
ACED: +15% weapon damage
Deadshot Daiquiri
BASIC: All kills heal 5 armor
ACED: All kills heal 10 armor
Future plans
In the future I intend to add one more skill tree containing a few more perks and maybe something crazy like elemental staffs
After that I intend to update these three skill decks and make them more interesting with more unique abilities
update history
patch 2.1
fixed issue were extra stamina was given without buying stamin-up
fixed issue were stamina bonus was removed after purchasing stamin-up
version 2.0
fixed double tap and speed colas mislabeled stats
changed several icons to be more apropriet
added perk tree number two
added wunder fizz
added muel kick
added PHD flopper
added deadshot daiquiri
added who's who
changed speed cola description to include an unseen mechanic
version 1.1
fixed bug were skill bonuses were not applied
nerfed jugernog to (20%, 40%) instead of (25%, 75%)
nerfed doubletap to (15%, 15%) instead of (25%, 25%)
nerfed speed cola to (15%, 15%) instead of (25%, 25%)
version 1.0
added skill tree number 1
added staminup
added juggernog
added vulture aid
added double tap
added speed cola
added pack-a-punch
gives bonus stamina in addition to the stamin-up perk. this remains after the perk is returned
juggernog's bonus hp will disappear if a perk deck that effects health is selected
changes the required skills spent to reach the next tier for all skill trees. not just this one
By all means leave a comment with your thought on this skill tree.
Special thanks
"Mxswat Predator Pack Developer" very interesting skill tree mod that gave the groundwork for this mod
Uniforce - for very helpfull feedback on what to rebalence
Jason_vos - for reminding me that skills don't have to follow the uniform price (intending to implement in next update)