Hello there, this mod was based on this mod, https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=16183
Made by Groceries!
This mod changes the POSITION/VIEWMODEL of the weapon, NOT a reskin!
The skin in the screenshots belong to THIS mod https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=16132
Clipping FIXED
So, why did I do this mod? because the default viewmodel SUCKS (for my taste) some people told me the same so here it is!
"Hurr durr, why didnt you use viewmodel tweaks?"
Because if you set a nice value for the Queen Wrath, you dunk every other weapon viewmodel tweak if you have others enabled, thats why!
Took me a while to correctly align the iron sights.
Known bugs: You can see some clipping on the left arm or something.
You DONT require Viewmodel Tweaks for this to work properly, but if you have it...
Remember to turn off viewmodel tweaks on this weapon, for this to work properly.
>Mod Options > Viewmodel Tweaks > Assault Rifles > Queen Wrath
Fixed some weird shit happening when you crouch.